With a wealth of content and a dynamic design that facilitates STEM research and learning, the award-winning Science Online offers a comprehensive overview of a broad range of
scientific disciplines. Topic Centers feature specially selected content on core science disciplines to help researchers find a starting point for their research. Users can also access
the full, updated content of our unique science eLearning Modules, which target a variety of core topics and feature valuable Educator Support materials for seamless in-class integration.
Comprehensive Coverage: Science Online contains a wealth of proprietary book and journal articles, images and videos, topic-specific timelines, tables and charts, and
diagrams that provide a thorough grounding in all areas of the science curriculum.
Topic Centers: Science Online includes specially selected content that composes a virtual study guide for the most researched scientific disciplines, including biology,
chemistry, computer science, Earth science, environmental science, marine science, space and astronomy, and physics. Each Topic Center includes a series of editor-selected overview articles,
suggested keyword searches, key videos and animations, printable experiments, diagrams, key tables and data, and a comprehensive topic timeline.
eLearning Modules: Science Online features 10 science eLearning Modules—Biomes of the Earth, Cells, Energy and the Environment, Essential
Chemistry, Genetics and Evolution, Global Warming, Green Technology, The Human Body: How It Works, Physics in Action, and The Plant World. Each eLearning
Module provides an in-depth exploration of a core science subject with extensive sequential articles in a narrative format, key videos and animations, diagrams and images, and glossaries.
Each eLearning Module also includes educator support materials including learning objectives, discussion questions, assessment questions with answer keys, and student-based projects.
Videos and Animations: Videos and animations reinforce visual learning, stimulate interest, and provide convenient overviews and discussion starters. Science
Online includes more than 4,000 video clips, many specifically produced for Science Online and not available anywhere else. All videos include full-text transcripts that are
searchable and display right below the video player. They also include a record URL, closed captions, and run times.
Biographies: Science Online includes helpful lists of leading computer scientists, astrophysicists, inventors, engineers, environmentalists, women scientists, astronauts,
and mathematicians. Each list includes dates of birth and death, a brief descriptor of the person’s achievements, and a link to relevant search results.
Science in the News: Science Online contains a selection of featured articles from the award-winning Today’s Science, highlighting recent scientific events and
discoveries. Also included in search results are science-related news articles from Reuters®, covering current science developments within the past five years.
Authoritative Source List: Science Online features a complete inventory, by type, of the extraordinary amount of expertly researched and written content in the database,
including articles from a wealth of award-winning proprietary print titles, images, videos, timelines, and a list of contributors to the database—information researchers can trust.
Appropriate for: Grade 6 - 12